fall and winter 2015

Dolce and Gabbana Finales

Dolce and Gabbana runways are iconic for their finales. Year after year, a stunning mob of models dressed head to toe in perfection attack the runway and the result is really quite the treat.


Fall 2014


Fall 2012


Fall 2010

and this year, for fall/winter 2016, Dolce and Gabbana was nothing short of amazing:

11021088_10150574910209977_1258850300287547934_nAs a tribute to mothers all over the world, the models headed down with children and babies, making the models more than walking hangers. It portrayed them as women – many of whom are actual moms (with impeccable bodies). It was heartwarming to watch these women represent not only how motherhood can be gorgeous, but also to represent themselves as more than pedestals for clothing.