w magazine

Memorable Monday: “Zero Shades of Gray” / Nylon Magazine

I think my favorite thing about Marvin Scott Jarrett’s “Zero Shades of Gray” is the kind of off-beat but still incredibly stylish outfits. If I had the wardrobe this April 2013 shoot had, I just wouldn’t think to put all the pieces together. But I suppose that’s why I’m not a stylist! Michael Kozak’s genius really does seep into this Nylon number:






If I saw any of these girls in these outfits I would totally do a double take.

They all have a crazy eclectic but composed sense of style no?



Memorable Monday: Neo Belphegor / Freja Beha Erichsen

I am so excited to share this week’s memorable monday with you all:

Entitled Néo Belphégor, Mikael Jannson shot the ever amazing Freja Beha Erichsen for the September 2010 issue of Vogue Paris. The results are so:








What’s not memorable in this editorial? Freja Beha is dressed stunningly in designers like Dior, Dolce and Gabbana, and Alexander Wang, and what’s more she’s in action with a shining black panther in the darks of the set.


Memorable Monday: Rebel Waltz – Agyness Deyn / Hedi Slimane

Hello Monday!

Today we’re starting off the week with none other than Agyness Deyn – model, actress, and singer- shot by Hedi Slimane (yes we’re featuring her again! check out our first post on her here). In March 2011 for Vogue China, Deyn showed punky angst and mystery wearing Burberry, Balmain, and Alexander Wang.








I think what Slimane does best is capturing the essence of her model and letting their personalities shine through the clothes and photographs. I mean, what better model is there than Deyn to show off black and white punk magic?

(maybe Freja Beha? stay tuned for next week!)

Famous Friday: Emma Watson

Happy Happy Friday! So earlier this week we featured Cara Delevingne in W Magazine’s Screen Tests and if you checked out more of their videos you probably found Emma Watsons’ and how equally charming she was.

She was just so darn adorable that we decided to make her this week’s feature for Famous Friday!


I mean, how can you resist that!


adorable, but oh-so classy!


but she’s still young, beautiful, and knows it!


even looking chic on her days off-duty


and even pulling off a straight up suit!


and really just every outfit in between

but we can’t forget the most iconic of all outfits:



Emma Watson has come a long way!

get to know more about her story at W Magazine’s Screen test:

W Magazine Screen Tests: Cara Delevingne

So although we are slightly biased because we are huge a lover of Cara Delevingne (check out our post of Cara x Terry Richardson) but we wanted to you all to check out W Magazine’s Youtube files ‘Screen Tests’ 

What we love about them are just how real, comfortable, and honest your favorite celebrities are. You’ll find videos of everybody from Mila Kunis, to Jennifer Lawrence, Emma Watson, Elle & Dakota Fanning, Jared Leto, Meryl Streep – you name it!

and so why are we at thatinblack letting you in on this?! they’re all shot in black & white!

ahh monochrome, we love ya.

so without further or due, here is Cara’s Screen Test:

“It took me a long time to start wearing clothes, I used to just love being naked. My parents would have to dress me because I would just run around the supermarket to take off all my clothes and start running around.”

her humor is so special.

we just can’t get enough of it!

also peep the chanel beanie.