
Quick History Lesson: The Beginning of the Little Black Dress

Now having a little black dress is an essential and expected part of anyone’s closet. But before the 1920s, black was a color reserved only for funerals as its connotation was associated strictly with death.

coco-chanel (2)Audrey-Hepburn-little-black-dress-New-Style-of-Little-Black-Dress-for-Fashion-Trend-2011-of-WomenIt wasn’t until 1926 when Coco Chanel coined the term “little black dress” and had her dress featured in Vogue that it became kind of a style necessity for every woman’s closet. It was affordable, complementary, and easy for any woman of any social class of any size
to have this one simple dress.

In 1961 Breakfast at Tiffany’s was released and the admiration of the little black dress sky rocketed.

Ever since then, the elegance and simplicity of the dress have been embraced by every woman including celebrities, royalties, and common women.

The evolution of the lbd through the decades are another fascination that can be found on